It is trendy to be slim and beautiful. That is why people search for various methods to lose extra kilos and shape the body. Scientists, doctors, coaches, and even housewives try to develop their approach to weight loss. Most people feel too lazy to exercise. Besides, to burn at least 500 calories, a person should train for not less than 60 minutes. Not everyone can spend so much time in the gym being overloaded with daily duties.
There is a universal law that helps everyone lose weight – eat fewer calories than you can burn. What does it mean? If the total sum of daily meals exceeds 2000 calories, a person will need to burn 800 calories to get rid of several kilos (depending on the basal metabolic rate). Different diets concentrate on either proportional consumption of proteins, fats, and carbs or priority of one of them. This article is about a rich in fats diet and the product that is everywhere is useful and contains many healthy fats and proteins.
Do Eggs Fit Keto Diet and How Exactly?
A chicken egg weighs above 65 grams and has approximately 70-80 calories (8 grams of protein and almost 6 grams of fat). This product is universal for all diets because it does not have many carbs that transform into belly fat. A person can consume 10 eggs, and it will be only half of the daily dose (800). Besides, boiled eggs are perfect hunger killers.
How many eggs per day can someone eat on keto diet? The question is weird, though many Internet users ask it because they believe they can speed up the weight loss process with their help. Before one decides to eat 20 eggs a day, it will be necessary to conduct small research to answer two basic questions:
- Does it really kill body fat?
- Is such extreme egg consumption healthy?
This product perfectly fits keto because of the yolk that is fatty. Healthy fat is the basis of this diet. Moreover, protein serves as the main muscle builder, so its consumption is a must for a healthy organism. Nevertheless, scientists decided to find out what is a normal dose of eggs per day that will not hurt a person. Their views differ because each organism is unique. So, it is necessary to consider the health condition of a concrete person.
Why Is Keto Diet Beneficial?
People who managed to waste weight thanks to ketosis shared their impressive results on the Internet. Others got excited and decided to follow them. Such eating improves the metabolism and lets the body get rid of fat even from the liver. Another advantage of Keto is the food that has almost no carbs. It means that the body gets little sugar. Consequently, diabetics can survive without shots of insulin due to the stabilization of blood sugar.
No wonder that eggs became the topic #1 for people who have diabetes and decide to lose weight on keto. Except for fats and protein, eggs have Phosphorus, Selenium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Folate, and small portions of other vitally important elements (zinc, Vitamins D, E, K, copper, iron, etc.). Except for eggs, a person is allowed to eat cheese and butter, which make only healthy fats. Together, they boost metabolism and force the body to accelerate weight loss.
Most websites devoted to Keto dieting have numerous recipes and almost all of them have eggs. No surprise that the question ‘how many eggs per day can someone eat on keto diet?’ always appears in FAQ sections on related blogs.
Is It Healthy to Eat Eggs?
Eggs belong to healthy products. Dieticians always include them in diet plans because they are hearty with a small calorie rate. Health advisers highlight the following advantages of eggs.
They Raise Good Cholesterol
Unhealthy products raise bad cholesterol that provokes cardiovascular diseases. Eggs do quite the opposite. If a person needs to increase the HDL level quickly, it will be necessary to consume at least two eggs a day.
Builds the Cell Walls
It is pretty hard to find products that can supply the organism with the required amount of Choline. Eggs have it. Moreover, this substance is essential in the creation of cells that convey signals to the brain. Consequently, it is better not to exclude this product from daily nutrition.
Yolk Accumulates Zeaxanthin and Lutein
Many people throw yolks away because they have a lot of fat. Though, it is a positive issue for a keto diet. Besides, only this part of an egg can improve a person’s eye health. The human retina accumulates beneficial substances that can prevent such terrible eye diseases as macular degeneration and cataracts.
They Help to Lose Weight and Remain Full
Many diets provoke hunger because individuals should eat less and avoid their favorite food. As a result, they feel gloomy. It is hard to find a person who hates eggs. One can find so many recipes on the Internet that require only the white part, which has no fat and is rich in protein. Protein is the basis of human muscles. Sportsmen drink protein cocktails to shape their bodies quicker. So, eggs promise tasty satiety and fewer calories in meals.
If eggs are so nutritious and healthy, how many eggs per day can someone eat on Keto diet? If a person can consume not more than 1600 calories a day, one can do the following arithmetics:
1600 (kcal per day) : 70 (approximate kcal of 1 egg) = 22!
Yes, one can eat approximately 22 eggs a day. Nevertheless, one can hardly consume that much, especially daily. Even if one can, there is another question – is it healthy to eat 22 eggs a day? Won’t that provoke some serious health problems?
Negative Impact of Eggs on a Human Organism
First off, it is necessary to mention such a notion as a quality. Most keto followers buy eggs in the supermarket. It is not a secret that chickens grow on farms whose owners feed them with specific food that makes them grow faster. When a hen eats and then lays eggs, the eggs get those chemicals as well. Consequently, most supermarkets sell low-quality products. Only domestic hens that eat corn and wheat without harmful supplements can lay 100% useful eggs.
Second, the benefit of eggs depends on their processing as well. Raw ones may have dangerous bacteria such as salmonella, so a person must be sure that the product is safe before drinking it or adding to meals that are not processed. Boiled and baked ones are healthier than fried. So, a person should consider that fact as well. The safest frying is on pans that do not require oil.
Third, one egg will bring no harm, but twenty-two will surely affect a health state. Besides, a monotonous diet will deprive the body of other useful vitamins and minerals. Doctors stress the importance of the combination of animal and vegetable fats. Another side effect of one-product dieting might be a breakdown. A person will feel depressed because of the inability to eat other tasty food.
Fourth, dieticians recommend smart dieting and weight loss. A body gets shocked because of a sudden food change. Besides, if the breakdown happens, the organism will return the lost kilos because the body will try to accumulate deficit substances.
Fifth, there could be several adverse effects of egg+cheese dieting.
- Heart Problems
Saturated fat is a part of yolk that makes the main part of keto meals. Together with cholesterol, it creates a ticking bomb that might explode any minute and result in heart attacks and strokes.
- Abdominal Distension
This problem is less dangerous compared to the first one, but it can be regular and bring much discomfort. A person will get severe abdominal pain and look pregnant. Besides, one will need to take care of the appearance and wear loose clothes in the waist part to prevent the pressure that causes more pain. A person can also suffer from digestion problems like constipation or diarrhea. A keto follower can get these problems in two days on an egg diet. Consequently, a longer period will hurt more.
- Diabetes
An excessive amount of any food might affect blood sugar. Eggs are not an exception. In case a person decides to keep to a keto diet, it will be necessary to consult a health advisor first, especially, if a person is insulin-dependent. Doctors usually exclude this product from the daily diet for patients with the second type of diabetes.
What to Do if a Doctor does not Recommend Eating Eggs
People often do not prepare the body for a diet and change eating habits abruptly. As a result, the body gets shocked, and a person starts experiencing side effects. For quick results, professionals insist on egg and cheese dieting. People become obsessed with eggs and suddenly get bloating, uncontrolled blood sugar, and other health problems. What to do? Is it possible to go on following a keto diet? How many eggs per day can someone eat on keto diet without harm?
Analogs to Eggs
There are many alternatives to egg yolks. The biggest advantage a human body experiences when receiving plant and vegetable fats, or at least the variety of animal ones. If one cannot consume eggs but wants to lose weight on a keto diet, a keto person should consider adding the following products to the daily menu:
- nuts, especially macadamia, walnuts, and peanuts;
- avocado;
- butter, including nut type as well;
- sunflower seeds;
- coconut products without sugar;
- chia seeds.
Nevertheless, it will be hard to keep to the diet because regular meals become expensive (eggs are cheap and available in all supermarkets) and not so nutritious without yolk and pure protein. So, a person should eat smart so as not to make the body suffer from an egg+cheese diet. Another variant is to refuse a keto and consult a specialist who will select the best variant of dieting and exercising.
How Many Eggs Won’t Hurt?
At the beginning of the diet, a person should eat at least 6 eggs either separately or in meals. Some experts recommend consuming more. What does it mean? It means that the basic need for eggs on keto is 420 grams. If a person needs to replace them with something else, it will be cheese. The main thing is to find cheese whose fats will be not lower than 6. So, it must not be zero-fat cottage cheese. It must not be dry because soft cheese contains more fat.
Thus, an egg diet should not exist for long. A human body needs other products to remain healthy. One should consider other fat-rich products to prevent heart diseases and stomach upset. For example, one can eat two eggs a day but with butter, homemade mayonnaise, avocado, bacon, and cheese.
Specialists also recommend making three-hour breaks between meals. So, two eggs can be for breakfast, two for lunch, and two for dinner during the fast egg-eating weight loss. Fortunately, an egg diet should not last longer than five days. During this period the liver produces ketones that stimulate fast kilo loss. That is why people who need to lose weight quickly start following this diet.
If a person adds exercising and at least two liters of water daily (without gas and sugar), the results will impress. Egg protein will not let muscles lose their shape, and fat will take care of hair and skin. Cheese is required to increase the level of casein that speeds up metabolism and also helps to gain muscles and burn fat (but only in combination with eggs).
To avoid cravings, a person should search for various recipes. One can eat boiled, scrambled, baked, and poached eggs or add them to healthy salads with mayonnaise, cheese, nuts, avocado, and seeds. Besides, a person requires little carbs, so to make the taste a bit fresh it is possible to add greenery (dill, parsley, chives, or lettuce). The main thing is to have enough fats and proteins and reduce the consumption of carbs.